We have located the following classmates

Here are all the classmates we have found to date. The list contains links to those who have agreed to share their contact information. A username and password are required to access these links. Those of you on the mailing list will have the password. If your password gets lost, or if the page doesn't work, complain to Dwight Sipler Note that not all the names here have links to their contact information. If you click on a name and nothing happens, it's probably not a link because that person has not yet consented to sharing their contact information.

In this list, people interested in attending the reunion have * after their name.
People with recent photos on their contact page have π after their name.
People with 50 year histories are in bold type and have an H after their name.

Ilse Aizupitis Raudseps
Terry Allen
Frank Andrew *πH
Taylor Barnett Slaughter
Dave Bass *πH
Karin Borei *πH
Hanspeter Born
Rick Browne
James Bruce *πH
Alice Carroll Swift *πH
Connie Case
Cal Coleman *πH
Dick Coles *πH
Danna Cope *
Debbie Cornogg Erb π
Rosemary Cox Masters *πH
Kenneth Crothers πH
Mary Leigh Elmore Miller *πH
Nancy Ernest Shustock
Robert Gilfillan *
Martha Gobdel Blacklock
Nancy Gowing *πH
Harry Habbersett *πH
Marrie Hall Cassidy πH
Gayle Hanna Stauffer *πH
George Hansell *πH
Albert Hanser *
Nancy Hartman Olson *πH
Jane Hay Price *πH
June Holt Moran *πH
Sandy Hoyt Sanders *πH
Elsa Hunter Lopusniak *πH
Ann Hutchinson Vallerie
Dan Jackson *πH
Judy Jarratt Nida
Andy Jones
Bonnie Kenschaft
George Kroon *H
Judy Kuder Hand *πH
John Kumpf
Ellen Lambert Harmoning *πH
Reta Magoun Sweeney *
Jamie McCorkel *πH
Bruce McCutcheon *πH
Nony Moore Barr *πH
Anne Morse Snow
Priscilla Much Elko *H
Jim Noyes *πH
George Pappas *πH
Mark Plafker πH
Stephen Plafker *H
Ellis Plowman Abboud *πH
Joe Prather *πH
Gunnar Quist *π
Nancy Reese Graham *πH
Rannie Ridgway
Karl (Tad) Ritzinger πH
Jeannette Roberts Stoneham
Randa Roess Sutch *πH
Karen Rogers Sims
Fred Schwartz
Grace Scott Thompson *H
Carol Seymour *πH
Dwight Sipler *πH
Doris Snyder Scheidly *πH
Robert Sobczak
Herb Steigelman *πH
David Thomas *πH
Roz Trosley *πH
Noel Turner *πH
Robert Turner *H
Bill Warden *πH
Bill Welsh *H
Charlie Wentz *πH
Carolyn West Frontz
Vicki Willis Kumpf *πH
Bruce Wilson *πH
Barry Wright *πH
Carolyn Wright
Gordon Wyse *πH
Janice Yaglenski Page *πH
Barbara Ziegenfus Betts *πH