
Class of 1957

Swarthmore High School

Swarthmore, PA (the class of 1957 predates zip codes, which began in 1963)

This website will use large type in deference to our advanced age.

College Avenue School

Members of the Class of 1957 now deceased

Gailey Chambers
Stewart Fisher
Dick Coles
Babs Garrahan Dorff
George Garrett
Robert Gilfillan
Nancy Gowing
Anne Hirsch
Clifford Hopkins
Judy Jarratt Nida
Ray Lassiat
Rosaly Morrison
Priscilla Much Moran Elko
Jarrett Palmer
Jim Pappas
Ellis Plowman
Andy Roxby
Jeanne Schloesser
Wally Seward
Warren Single
Mark Smith
Bob Sublette
Harry Tarr
Paul Willis
Barry Wright

Last update 2023 January 08